Friday, April 10, 2009

Why So Negative You Ask ?

Yes, it's been a bit over a week since my last posting, and sometimes that's just the way it goes. There is much more to my life than blogging...

I recently received an email asking me why I seem to be so negative...the truth of the matter is, there isn't a whole lot to be positive about when it comes to Oldham County Fiscal Court. I love this county, this is my home. I work, pay taxes and patronize many businesses in this county. I am the eternal optimist, the guy who always sees the glass as half-full, not half-empty. But the focus of my blog is to draw attention to issues that affect ALL Oldham Countians, not just the select few. And of course, this being a blog, I will always offer up my take on things. You don't have to agree with me, but know there is always relevance in what I opine about.

That being said, I want this county to grow slowly, with purpose, always doing what is possible to encourage the quality of life for us all and our children, grandchildren and visitors. Everyone should always have equal opportunities in this county, whether you are a homeowner, resident that is renting, a business owner or an employee of a company here in Oldham County. The days of government catering to the needs of a select few must end.

We have become a county of diversity with our people...change is good...and so is open and honest government. We as the citizens of this county should expect nothing less than complete transparency from our elected officials. The elected officals across the board should give us nothing less than their absolute best, without regard to political afilliations, favors, campaign donations large and small, area of residence, economic status, etc.

After watching Fiscal Court meetings on Channel 25, it is my belief that we have a few serious, dedicated and truly civic minded individuals representing us. We also have those that choose to grandstand, keep politics alive and healthy (especially if you are a Republican), tune out those that disagree with their views, sleepwalk through meetings, stumble as they speak and so on.

It is not my intention to point fingers at any one individual...but it may come to that at times. They must know that there are those of us who watch and observe and laugh at the pettyness that sometimes permeates the Court. I've been saying a reoccuring theme is "change is coming"...and I truly feel that in good time it will. Fiscal Court is in need of a dire shakeup and the 2010 cycle of elections can't get here soon enough.

To those of you that share my view that change is needed, do something about it in your own way. Get involved, email your officials when you have something to say, organize and support folks that would bring some common sense to the Court. And to those of you that disagree with me that change is severely needed, then you are part of the problem too, not the solution. Of course, most that would beg to differ or criticize me must be Republicans...after all, they pretty much control the county. Taking a good look at yourselves in the proverbial mirror might just do you some good.

But change is good sometimes, and needed. What we need next year is some truly Deomcratic representation, or even Independents. Anything but an across the board Fiscal Court made up exclusively of Republicans. It works in Frankfort and Washington...the two party system, and it can work here as well.

Yes, I am revealing that I am a registered Democrat...always have been, always will be. But, I take each election seriously and vote my conscience on who I think would do the best job for the seat they are seeking. I voted for former Governor Ernie Fletcher in his first run for the Governorship, thinking at the time he would bring healing to state government and that a change in the wind was sorely needed in Frankfort after the Paul Patton era. Ok, so that didn't turn out so well. However, I still to this day believe that every election is important and will continue to support the best candidates in my opinion, regardless of party affiliation. How many of you can say that with honesty?

So, get ready for a series of postings covering many issues and on a personal note, Happy 27th Birthday to my son today...I am so proud of you!

The Oldham Observer

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