I have not had the chance to watch the 3-17-09 Fiscal Court meeting on Channel 25 yet this week, been a busy week so far. Have read comments on two other blogs, and the "vanilla" coverage by The Oldham Era. Due to what I have read so far, I am looking forward to watching the proceedings and then offering up my thoughts. Stay tuned...
One other thing...I am not a resident of LaGrange, but if I was, I would be absolutely appalled at the lack of leadership from Mayor Elise Carter and the iron fist she thinks she rules with. Good for the City Council members willing to stand up to this egotistical politician ! The right thing for Mayor Carter to do for the residents of LaGrange is to resign from office immediately and let the healing begin...but then the same thing could be said as well for our Oldham County Judge/Executive !
The Oldham Observer
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
My Response to Anonymous from 3-5-09
On March 3rd, I wrote a blog entry about the OC Storm Water District Payment Statement that we received in the mail. On March 5th, "Anonymous" commented at length about my posting. I have now replied to his/her comments, and invite you to go to that posting and read my reply.
I think that you might find some of my comments back a bit interesting...
Hope that everyone has a great weekend!
The Oldham Observer
I think that you might find some of my comments back a bit interesting...
Hope that everyone has a great weekend!
The Oldham Observer
My Response to a Comment Left Elsewhere...
As previously stated, I had emailed two other Oldham County related bloggers, Scott Black and Dewey Wotring and got replies back from both. Scott was originally so kind as to add a link to this blog on his site, and I returned the favor.
Since then, he has emailed me regarding a posting of mine and commented on one of my postings here. Then without explanation (not that he owes me one) he removed the link to my blog from his site. That's OK, it's his right to do as he pleases...I, on the other hand, have left the link to his site here.
In a posting of his titled "SOMETIMES CALM IS GOOD", March 1st, there was a comment left for him by "Resident", dated March 5, 2009 at 1:50pm. This is the same posting of his that mentioned my blog and link, and then was removed.
"Resident" commented as follows:
"You were correct to delete the link to Oldham Observer. Whoever is running the site is idiot."
My reply to "Resident": You're certainly entitled to your opinion, and I would advise going back to elementary school and taking a grammer refresher course.
Since then, he has emailed me regarding a posting of mine and commented on one of my postings here. Then without explanation (not that he owes me one) he removed the link to my blog from his site. That's OK, it's his right to do as he pleases...I, on the other hand, have left the link to his site here.
In a posting of his titled "SOMETIMES CALM IS GOOD", March 1st, there was a comment left for him by "Resident", dated March 5, 2009 at 1:50pm. This is the same posting of his that mentioned my blog and link, and then was removed.
"Resident" commented as follows:
"You were correct to delete the link to Oldham Observer. Whoever is running the site is idiot."
My reply to "Resident": You're certainly entitled to your opinion, and I would advise going back to elementary school and taking a grammer refresher course.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
McConnell, Bunning, Yarmuth, Grayson, Williams and more, Oh My!
Wow, what a week or so we've had with some state level politicians. Just a few observations on some of them from my point of view...
Senator Minority Leader (using that term loosely) Mitch McConnell-R...Kentucky's Finest ! Ok, being sarcastic here. He is the finest at being an obstructionist to President Barack Obama's first 50 days in office. He talks out of both sides of his mouth, always has. He balks now at the $410 billion spending bill that the Senate approved (62-35) on Tuesday. He sits on the Senate Appropriations Committee, and last year when most of the appropriations bill was written, he was all in favor of it. Of course, his buddy George W. Bush was still sitting in the Oval Office. Now that Barack Obama is our leader and "W" is in hiding in Texas, he does an about face and objects, voting against the bill. Yet, he managed to slide in earmarks (either being the sole sponsor or co-sponsor) of 53 earmarks, costing us taxpayers over $75 million. And the kicker, none of these earmarks were put on the table last year by former President Bush. McConnell neads to remember this...the nation elected Obama over McCain, signaling that as a whole, it was time to change directions in the federal government. McConnell himself didn't exactly win reelection last November to a fourth term in a landslide. He needs to be held accountable for his actions, and be more concerned with the people of Kentucky he was elected to serve, rather than being a national mouthpiece for the Republican party. Wonder how long it will take him to tout his pork projects on his senate website and every ribbon cutting and ceremonial check presentation he makes across the state in the coming year?
Senator Jim Bunning, our junior and mouthy senator...enough already! Please, for the sake of the Bluegrass, resign now and leave with what little diginty you may have left. Your comments about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg were pathetic at best. You alledgely threatened at a recent private fundraiser to resign and let our Democratic Governor Steve Breshear appoint your replacement (most likely a Democrat of course) since you're not feeling the love from your own party. This week, in your weekly conference call with state reporters, you took the Lord's name in vain and got downright nasty with them. You missed key Senate votes and confirmation hearings in January because you had better things to do. You refuse to be upfront and honest about your so-called charity work and the money you make selling your autographs. Quit apologizing for your obvious shortcomings...resign and save face. Do it for Kentucky. If there was a Senate Hall of Shame (and there should be one), you'd be elected. Then you could boast about it along with your baseball Hall of Fame enshrinement. You were a good pitcher back in the day, even had a perfect game, but your game skills are gone and you need to be sent to the dugout...
Representative John Yarmuth-D 3rd District...A shining example of a public servant if there ever was one. Donates his entire congressional salary to local charities, is always accessible to the media, champions education and veterans and does it all and more with humility. True, in the new federal spending bill, he has 17 earmarks totalling around $12.4 million. But he does represent the state's largest city (or metro area) and almost $7 million of his earmarks are related to the Ohio River. $6 million for work on the McAlpine Locks and Dam and $950,000 for work on the Ohio River Bridges Project. While his wealth allows him to donate his congressional salary to charity, he works tirelessly for metro Louisville's residents and all Kentuckians. What's the matter Mitch and Jim, aren't either of you wealthy enough by now to donate your salaries back to your home state? John Yarmuth is study in work ethics and public service. Maybe others could watch and learn from him.
Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson-R...Let's hope you decide to run for Bunning's seat whether he chooses to run again or not. You are a bright and capable public servant and the Republican party would do good to have you as their heir apparent state party leader to Mc Double Speak Connell. That's not to say I would support you in the General Election in 2010, although I did vote to reelect you to your present second term. I vote each indivdual race based on who I feel is best qualified to get the job done and be held accountable. But you do offer a ray of hope to people and have been scandal free. Good things are in your future still.
Kentucky State Senate President David Williams-R...Have you ever met a camera you didn't like? Ever thought that maybe you are wrong sometimes? Ever thought that you should actually put the interests of the people of this Commonwealth above party politics and your grandstanding ways? Probably not...in fact, you very well may be one of the most closed minded, egotistical politicians this state has ever seen. By the way, how's that big screen plasma television in your senate office (when it was redecorated) that we paid for working out for you?
That's enough for now...time to go cheer on the University of Louisville Cardinals in the Big East Tournament...go CARDS...and keep an eye on the University of Kentucky Wildcats in the SEC Tournament...go Cats!
Update: Games are over...Big East Regular Season Champions CARDS win 73-55 over Providence! Kentucky Wildcats win their first round SEC opener against Ole Miss 71-58...way to go Cats!
The Oldham Observer
Senator Minority Leader (using that term loosely) Mitch McConnell-R...Kentucky's Finest ! Ok, being sarcastic here. He is the finest at being an obstructionist to President Barack Obama's first 50 days in office. He talks out of both sides of his mouth, always has. He balks now at the $410 billion spending bill that the Senate approved (62-35) on Tuesday. He sits on the Senate Appropriations Committee, and last year when most of the appropriations bill was written, he was all in favor of it. Of course, his buddy George W. Bush was still sitting in the Oval Office. Now that Barack Obama is our leader and "W" is in hiding in Texas, he does an about face and objects, voting against the bill. Yet, he managed to slide in earmarks (either being the sole sponsor or co-sponsor) of 53 earmarks, costing us taxpayers over $75 million. And the kicker, none of these earmarks were put on the table last year by former President Bush. McConnell neads to remember this...the nation elected Obama over McCain, signaling that as a whole, it was time to change directions in the federal government. McConnell himself didn't exactly win reelection last November to a fourth term in a landslide. He needs to be held accountable for his actions, and be more concerned with the people of Kentucky he was elected to serve, rather than being a national mouthpiece for the Republican party. Wonder how long it will take him to tout his pork projects on his senate website and every ribbon cutting and ceremonial check presentation he makes across the state in the coming year?
Senator Jim Bunning, our junior and mouthy senator...enough already! Please, for the sake of the Bluegrass, resign now and leave with what little diginty you may have left. Your comments about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg were pathetic at best. You alledgely threatened at a recent private fundraiser to resign and let our Democratic Governor Steve Breshear appoint your replacement (most likely a Democrat of course) since you're not feeling the love from your own party. This week, in your weekly conference call with state reporters, you took the Lord's name in vain and got downright nasty with them. You missed key Senate votes and confirmation hearings in January because you had better things to do. You refuse to be upfront and honest about your so-called charity work and the money you make selling your autographs. Quit apologizing for your obvious shortcomings...resign and save face. Do it for Kentucky. If there was a Senate Hall of Shame (and there should be one), you'd be elected. Then you could boast about it along with your baseball Hall of Fame enshrinement. You were a good pitcher back in the day, even had a perfect game, but your game skills are gone and you need to be sent to the dugout...
Representative John Yarmuth-D 3rd District...A shining example of a public servant if there ever was one. Donates his entire congressional salary to local charities, is always accessible to the media, champions education and veterans and does it all and more with humility. True, in the new federal spending bill, he has 17 earmarks totalling around $12.4 million. But he does represent the state's largest city (or metro area) and almost $7 million of his earmarks are related to the Ohio River. $6 million for work on the McAlpine Locks and Dam and $950,000 for work on the Ohio River Bridges Project. While his wealth allows him to donate his congressional salary to charity, he works tirelessly for metro Louisville's residents and all Kentuckians. What's the matter Mitch and Jim, aren't either of you wealthy enough by now to donate your salaries back to your home state? John Yarmuth is study in work ethics and public service. Maybe others could watch and learn from him.
Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson-R...Let's hope you decide to run for Bunning's seat whether he chooses to run again or not. You are a bright and capable public servant and the Republican party would do good to have you as their heir apparent state party leader to Mc Double Speak Connell. That's not to say I would support you in the General Election in 2010, although I did vote to reelect you to your present second term. I vote each indivdual race based on who I feel is best qualified to get the job done and be held accountable. But you do offer a ray of hope to people and have been scandal free. Good things are in your future still.
Kentucky State Senate President David Williams-R...Have you ever met a camera you didn't like? Ever thought that maybe you are wrong sometimes? Ever thought that you should actually put the interests of the people of this Commonwealth above party politics and your grandstanding ways? Probably not...in fact, you very well may be one of the most closed minded, egotistical politicians this state has ever seen. By the way, how's that big screen plasma television in your senate office (when it was redecorated) that we paid for working out for you?
That's enough for now...time to go cheer on the University of Louisville Cardinals in the Big East Tournament...go CARDS...and keep an eye on the University of Kentucky Wildcats in the SEC Tournament...go Cats!
Update: Games are over...Big East Regular Season Champions CARDS win 73-55 over Providence! Kentucky Wildcats win their first round SEC opener against Ole Miss 71-58...way to go Cats!
The Oldham Observer
An Update and a Tribute to WHAS-11's Chuck Olmstead
Well, I took a few days off and away from the blog due to a heavy demand on my time. The nice thing about having your own blog is that you can choose to post when you want and not have any deadliines to meet. However, I do respond to emails in a timely manner. The past week has been a busy one: work demands, attending a child's birthday party, meeting the needs of my Granddaughter, spending time with friends, watching Nascar and U of L (go Cards!) and other family matters. I'm currently working on a new blog entry that I hope to have completed later today. And just for the record, while the main thrust of this blog is about Oldham County politics and government, I also reserve the right to comment on statewide and national issues from time to time, since state and federal government issues can and do affect Oldham County as well.
My tribute to the late Chuck Olmstead of WHAS-11 television...when I began college in 1977, I was accepted into the Internship Program that WHAS television had going back then. I grew up around television news (not WHAS though) and was pursuing a degree in journalism. I wanted to get my foot in the door and was eager to absorb and learn all I could about television news journalism. My internship lasted through the fall semester, followed by an internship in the spring in radio news, hence the beginning of the radio career that I had.
The way the program worked at WHAS was rather unique at the time. An intern spent two week rotations in various capacities in the newsroom. I spent two week intervals shadowing and learning from Hal Stophel, the assignment editor, a photojournalist, Paul Rogers in sports, the late Chuck Taylor in weather (back when they used magnets on a weathermap), Jim Mitchell at the anchor desk, copywriting with everyone, floor directors and a two week rotation with a reporter. I got lucky...I was paired with none other than Chuck Olmstead.
Chuck had been in town for about two years at the time and was very gracious and giving of his time to me. He was about 11 years my senior and two things I remember well of our first day together...age was not a barrier and neither was the difference in the color of our skin. Chuck was actually in my opinion a trailblazer as an African-American reporter. He showed no bias in any story he reported and implored in me that getting your facts straight and being accurate were the hallmarks of being a good reporter.
Spending two weeks riding along with him and his photojournalist to cover various stories were a treat. We talked about the story at hand, news reporting, current events and about Louisville. Knowing that I was a Louisville native, he constantly asked me about local history (since he knew my own background at the ripe old age of 17), local politics and shared his passion for true journalism. He was a storyteller, and an extremely gifted one at that. And I loved his stories about his native city of Boston. Humor in things was not lost on him and he could be so serious one moment, and funny as hell the next.
Chuck and I stayed in touch over the years, as he promised he would. He offered me advice, followed my career in radio from a distance, and always asked about my family and life in general. When I left radio for good a few years back, we ran into each other at The Comedy Caravan. He was there taping a show with his two sons and we spent some time catching up and commenting on the downward spiral direction that a lot of local journalism had taken. I assured him that I was happy in my new career and that while I missed the radio days, the decision I had made was the right one for me. In our brief time together, he became a friend and mentor in many ways, and for that I am grateful.
To have stayed in the same market for going on 35 years (except for that short six month trip to New York) is in itself, amazing. Chuck loved Louisville and Kentucky, our people and his work. In this day of revolving doors and cutbacks in the media, his tenure here is pretty remarkable.
Chuck, when you read this from Heaven, know that I always thought of you as a class act, a man with integrity, a family first attitude and the passion for getting it right. Many of the reporters you've left behind could do well to learn from the legacy that is yours. Your body of work stands tall. Thank you and may God bless you and your wife and sons always.
The Oldham Observer
My tribute to the late Chuck Olmstead of WHAS-11 television...when I began college in 1977, I was accepted into the Internship Program that WHAS television had going back then. I grew up around television news (not WHAS though) and was pursuing a degree in journalism. I wanted to get my foot in the door and was eager to absorb and learn all I could about television news journalism. My internship lasted through the fall semester, followed by an internship in the spring in radio news, hence the beginning of the radio career that I had.
The way the program worked at WHAS was rather unique at the time. An intern spent two week rotations in various capacities in the newsroom. I spent two week intervals shadowing and learning from Hal Stophel, the assignment editor, a photojournalist, Paul Rogers in sports, the late Chuck Taylor in weather (back when they used magnets on a weathermap), Jim Mitchell at the anchor desk, copywriting with everyone, floor directors and a two week rotation with a reporter. I got lucky...I was paired with none other than Chuck Olmstead.
Chuck had been in town for about two years at the time and was very gracious and giving of his time to me. He was about 11 years my senior and two things I remember well of our first day together...age was not a barrier and neither was the difference in the color of our skin. Chuck was actually in my opinion a trailblazer as an African-American reporter. He showed no bias in any story he reported and implored in me that getting your facts straight and being accurate were the hallmarks of being a good reporter.
Spending two weeks riding along with him and his photojournalist to cover various stories were a treat. We talked about the story at hand, news reporting, current events and about Louisville. Knowing that I was a Louisville native, he constantly asked me about local history (since he knew my own background at the ripe old age of 17), local politics and shared his passion for true journalism. He was a storyteller, and an extremely gifted one at that. And I loved his stories about his native city of Boston. Humor in things was not lost on him and he could be so serious one moment, and funny as hell the next.
Chuck and I stayed in touch over the years, as he promised he would. He offered me advice, followed my career in radio from a distance, and always asked about my family and life in general. When I left radio for good a few years back, we ran into each other at The Comedy Caravan. He was there taping a show with his two sons and we spent some time catching up and commenting on the downward spiral direction that a lot of local journalism had taken. I assured him that I was happy in my new career and that while I missed the radio days, the decision I had made was the right one for me. In our brief time together, he became a friend and mentor in many ways, and for that I am grateful.
To have stayed in the same market for going on 35 years (except for that short six month trip to New York) is in itself, amazing. Chuck loved Louisville and Kentucky, our people and his work. In this day of revolving doors and cutbacks in the media, his tenure here is pretty remarkable.
Chuck, when you read this from Heaven, know that I always thought of you as a class act, a man with integrity, a family first attitude and the passion for getting it right. Many of the reporters you've left behind could do well to learn from the legacy that is yours. Your body of work stands tall. Thank you and may God bless you and your wife and sons always.
The Oldham Observer
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Storm Water Payment Follow-Up
Sitting here watching the U of L Cardinals and thought I'd relate my phone call yesterday to the number included with our Storm Water District Statement (see previous post).
I spoke with a very nice gentleman by the name of Tim. When I questioned why we would mail our payments to an address in Carol Stream, IL, his reply was that no bank or other entity was willing to handle processing the payments as they arrive. When further pressed, he told me that he thinks the fee being charged is 30 cents per transaction. Not too bad a deal I suppose, but it does make me wonder why Fiscal Court didn't mandate and have the Oldham County Sewer District process the payments (or the Oldham County Water District, since we already pay our sewer bill through them) instead of paying a third party fee. Who made that choice to send the business out of state? Inquiring minds want to know...
Furthermore, and Tim was very generous with his time (explaining how inundated they had already been with calls), he also verified that if you go to the website listed on the statement (in very small print), you can also pay the fee online with no service or processing fee being charged. Now that option I like!
He admitted that this was all relatively new to him since he has only been employed with Oldham County government since December. Through the course of our conversation, I learned that he lives in Louisville, not Oldham County. I gained this information when he said he couldn't pay online himself (to test the system) since he is not a resident of Oldham County. I thanked him for his time and wished him luck with his new job here in Oldham County.
Which leads me to...
Now I gathered that Tim is a very fine person...but why in the world is Oldham County Fiscal Court hiring people that do not live here, pay property or vehicle taxes here, or are not otherwise invested in our county except for their employment? With the current state of things in this difficult economic time our country (and county) are under, can Fiscal Court not find qualified government employees right here in the good ol' OC?
With the influx of former Jefferson County residents (myself included) that have chosen to call Oldham County home, can Fiscal Court not give preference or pass an ordinance that stipulates that ALL county government employees must be residents of this county? State law does allow such a requirement. I'd be in favor of allowing any current employees that reside outside of Oldham County to keep their current position up until the expiration of the current County Judge/Executive's term. Even if Duane Murner runs for a second term, ALL employees must be residents of Oldham County on the first day of the next term of office for whoever is elected County Judge/Executive, or they shall be terminated. This gives them ample time to plan ahead. I know that may sound harsh to some, but consider this...why shouldn't residency be a job requirement? Keep Oldham County government jobs in the hands of Oldham County residents!
That's enough for now...back to the U of L game...go CARDS !
The Oldham Observer
I spoke with a very nice gentleman by the name of Tim. When I questioned why we would mail our payments to an address in Carol Stream, IL, his reply was that no bank or other entity was willing to handle processing the payments as they arrive. When further pressed, he told me that he thinks the fee being charged is 30 cents per transaction. Not too bad a deal I suppose, but it does make me wonder why Fiscal Court didn't mandate and have the Oldham County Sewer District process the payments (or the Oldham County Water District, since we already pay our sewer bill through them) instead of paying a third party fee. Who made that choice to send the business out of state? Inquiring minds want to know...
Furthermore, and Tim was very generous with his time (explaining how inundated they had already been with calls), he also verified that if you go to the website listed on the statement (in very small print), you can also pay the fee online with no service or processing fee being charged. Now that option I like!
He admitted that this was all relatively new to him since he has only been employed with Oldham County government since December. Through the course of our conversation, I learned that he lives in Louisville, not Oldham County. I gained this information when he said he couldn't pay online himself (to test the system) since he is not a resident of Oldham County. I thanked him for his time and wished him luck with his new job here in Oldham County.
Which leads me to...
Now I gathered that Tim is a very fine person...but why in the world is Oldham County Fiscal Court hiring people that do not live here, pay property or vehicle taxes here, or are not otherwise invested in our county except for their employment? With the current state of things in this difficult economic time our country (and county) are under, can Fiscal Court not find qualified government employees right here in the good ol' OC?
With the influx of former Jefferson County residents (myself included) that have chosen to call Oldham County home, can Fiscal Court not give preference or pass an ordinance that stipulates that ALL county government employees must be residents of this county? State law does allow such a requirement. I'd be in favor of allowing any current employees that reside outside of Oldham County to keep their current position up until the expiration of the current County Judge/Executive's term. Even if Duane Murner runs for a second term, ALL employees must be residents of Oldham County on the first day of the next term of office for whoever is elected County Judge/Executive, or they shall be terminated. This gives them ample time to plan ahead. I know that may sound harsh to some, but consider this...why shouldn't residency be a job requirement? Keep Oldham County government jobs in the hands of Oldham County residents!
That's enough for now...back to the U of L game...go CARDS !
The Oldham Observer
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
OC Storm Water District Payment Statement
Monday afternoon, waiting in our mailbox was the statement/bill from the Oldham County Storm Water District in the amount of $41.16.
Amazing !
(See the last paragraphs for the kicker to all of this, and a suggestion!)
We're being billed for the "calculated average" of 6,000 square feet of impervious (hard) surface, and our property falls far short of that "average". Guess those that can afford to live on much larger lots (generating much more storm water runoff) get by cheaper than the rest of us. It seems to me that the PVA has the statistics to fairly accurately pinpoint each homeowner's lot size, and therefore Fiscal Court should have voted and mandated a better and more equitable system for the purpose of billing residential landowners. Remember, they bascially let the developers off the hook...
While I'm all for clean air, water and land and taking better care of Mother Earth in general, it would be a much easier pill to swallow if we had a Fiscal Court that had taken the time to devise a system that was truly fair to everyone. Our property taxes are calculated in such a way...why not this fee? In our home, we recycle as much as possible, and of course we have to take our recyled items elsewhere to properly dispose of them since we have no curb service here. That's a sore spot with me.
Furthermore, maybe if we had a Water and Sewer District that were better managed and with leaders that had the vision to handle this federal mandate, we wouldn't have had this forced upon us in the manner that has taken place. Fiscal Court has once again proven they can't properly handle the rapid growth of this county that they want, and remain fair to those who have called Oldham County home for many years.
This is still a rural county in many ways...yet we have traffic problems now, storm water runoff problems, roads that need repair, an industrial park that so far is pretty much a bust (and we, the taxpayers are funding it) and a Fiscal Court that simply seems not to care. Build it and they will come...at what expense?
Two final points on this statement/bill that we received yesterday...
1 - How fair is it to those on fixed incomes, the unemployed or those struggling in general financially to get a statement in early March that states this bill for $41.16 is due in full by March 29, 2009? Pay after the due date and pay a late fee of $4.11. This must be a drop in the bucket payment for every member of Fiscal Court, who no doubt carry a lack of sympathy for those suffering through hard times right now.
2 - Answer this Fiscal Court members...in these hard economic times, why in the world are we being asked to mail our payments to a processing center in Carol Stream, Illinois? The enclosed payment envelop is addressed to:
Oldham County Fiscal Court Payment Processing Center
P.O. Box 4506
Carol Stream, IL 60197-4506
Are we providing employment opportunities for our friends in another state? Why are the payments not being processed right here in Oldham County? Once again, it sounds like Fiscal Court is making "closed door" decisions and hoping that we won't question them.
Of course, in VERY small print on your statement, there is the option to pay the bill in person at the County Judge/Executive's office during normal business hours. Therefore, I suggest that as many people as possible make their payment in person at Mr. Murner's office. This affords you two opportunities...one, you can express your displeasure with all of this and how it was handled in person...secondly, maybe it will give Deputy County/Judge Executive Paula Gish something substantial to do...process your payments and thank you in person on behalf of the county and Fiscal Court. After all, in her welcome message on the official Oldham County government website http://www.oldhamcounty.net/ she states the following:
"Along with sharing the mission and goals established by Judge Murner, I am also the point of contact in county government responsible for coordinating county-wide initiatives among the various organizations and county agencies."
So, let's allow her to be that "point of contact"...and let her count your pennies!
Just a thought...
The Oldham Observer
Amazing !
(See the last paragraphs for the kicker to all of this, and a suggestion!)
We're being billed for the "calculated average" of 6,000 square feet of impervious (hard) surface, and our property falls far short of that "average". Guess those that can afford to live on much larger lots (generating much more storm water runoff) get by cheaper than the rest of us. It seems to me that the PVA has the statistics to fairly accurately pinpoint each homeowner's lot size, and therefore Fiscal Court should have voted and mandated a better and more equitable system for the purpose of billing residential landowners. Remember, they bascially let the developers off the hook...
While I'm all for clean air, water and land and taking better care of Mother Earth in general, it would be a much easier pill to swallow if we had a Fiscal Court that had taken the time to devise a system that was truly fair to everyone. Our property taxes are calculated in such a way...why not this fee? In our home, we recycle as much as possible, and of course we have to take our recyled items elsewhere to properly dispose of them since we have no curb service here. That's a sore spot with me.
Furthermore, maybe if we had a Water and Sewer District that were better managed and with leaders that had the vision to handle this federal mandate, we wouldn't have had this forced upon us in the manner that has taken place. Fiscal Court has once again proven they can't properly handle the rapid growth of this county that they want, and remain fair to those who have called Oldham County home for many years.
This is still a rural county in many ways...yet we have traffic problems now, storm water runoff problems, roads that need repair, an industrial park that so far is pretty much a bust (and we, the taxpayers are funding it) and a Fiscal Court that simply seems not to care. Build it and they will come...at what expense?
Two final points on this statement/bill that we received yesterday...
1 - How fair is it to those on fixed incomes, the unemployed or those struggling in general financially to get a statement in early March that states this bill for $41.16 is due in full by March 29, 2009? Pay after the due date and pay a late fee of $4.11. This must be a drop in the bucket payment for every member of Fiscal Court, who no doubt carry a lack of sympathy for those suffering through hard times right now.
2 - Answer this Fiscal Court members...in these hard economic times, why in the world are we being asked to mail our payments to a processing center in Carol Stream, Illinois? The enclosed payment envelop is addressed to:
Oldham County Fiscal Court Payment Processing Center
P.O. Box 4506
Carol Stream, IL 60197-4506
Are we providing employment opportunities for our friends in another state? Why are the payments not being processed right here in Oldham County? Once again, it sounds like Fiscal Court is making "closed door" decisions and hoping that we won't question them.
Of course, in VERY small print on your statement, there is the option to pay the bill in person at the County Judge/Executive's office during normal business hours. Therefore, I suggest that as many people as possible make their payment in person at Mr. Murner's office. This affords you two opportunities...one, you can express your displeasure with all of this and how it was handled in person...secondly, maybe it will give Deputy County/Judge Executive Paula Gish something substantial to do...process your payments and thank you in person on behalf of the county and Fiscal Court. After all, in her welcome message on the official Oldham County government website http://www.oldhamcounty.net/ she states the following:
"Along with sharing the mission and goals established by Judge Murner, I am also the point of contact in county government responsible for coordinating county-wide initiatives among the various organizations and county agencies."
So, let's allow her to be that "point of contact"...and let her count your pennies!
Just a thought...
The Oldham Observer
Monday, March 2, 2009
Email Replies from Dewey & Scott
Good Monday morning all,
As stated earlier, I had in the interest of full disclosure emailed two other known Oldham County bloggers, Dewey Wotring and Scott Black. I am pleased to say that I received very nice and supportive emails back from both gentlemen. Scott was so kind as to include a link to this site on his most recent posting. Both provided some very helpful information and it is greatly appreciated.
As word of this blog spreads and hopefully my readership grows, I want to remind everyone that this site is not meant to be vindictive or disrespectful of anyone. It is meant to inform, educate and question the actions of Fiscal Court, the County Judge/Executive, Magsistrates and other government officials and entities.
Here's hoping everyone has a great week !
The Oldham Observer
As stated earlier, I had in the interest of full disclosure emailed two other known Oldham County bloggers, Dewey Wotring and Scott Black. I am pleased to say that I received very nice and supportive emails back from both gentlemen. Scott was so kind as to include a link to this site on his most recent posting. Both provided some very helpful information and it is greatly appreciated.
As word of this blog spreads and hopefully my readership grows, I want to remind everyone that this site is not meant to be vindictive or disrespectful of anyone. It is meant to inform, educate and question the actions of Fiscal Court, the County Judge/Executive, Magsistrates and other government officials and entities.
Here's hoping everyone has a great week !
The Oldham Observer
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